Browse Subject

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Analytical and Chaotic Dynamics PHY2032 Module
Applying Physics Group Project PHY3150 Module
Communication and Key Skills PHY0000 Module
Computational Physics and Modelling PHYM004 Module
Condensed Matter 1 PHY2024 Module
Condensed Matter II PHYM003 Module
Electromagnetism 1 PHY2021 Module
Electromagnetism 2 PHY3051 Module
Electromagnetism 2 (IS) PHY3054 Module
Electromagnetism and Quantum Mechanics PHY3055 Module
Energy and the Environment PHY3067 Module
Fluid Dynamics in Physics and Astronomy PHY3220 Module
Galaxies and High Energy Astrophysics PHY3066 Module
General Problems PHY3053 Module
Independent Study PHYM005 Module
Introduction to Astrophysics PHY1022 Module
IT and Astrophysics Skills PHY1029 Module
IT and Electronics Skills PHY1028 Module
Lasers, Materials and Nanoscale Probes for Quantum Applications PHY2031 Module
Mathematics for Physicists PHY1026 Module
Mathematics Skills PHY1025 Module
Mathematics with Physical Applications PHY2025 Module
Methods of Theoretical Physics PHY3062 Module
Nanostructures and Graphene Science PHY3064 Module
Nonlinear Optics and Imaging PHY2037 Module
Nuclear and High Energy Physics PHY3056 Module
Nuclear and High-Energy Particle Physics PHY3052 Module
Observing the Universe PHY2030 Module
One-Semester Physics Project and Report PHY3147 Module
Physical Methods in Biology and Medicine PHYM008 Module
Physics of Climate Change PHY2222 Module
Physics Practicals (One Term JYA) PHY2033A Module
Practical Electronics PHY2028 Module
Practical Physics and IT Skills PHY1030 Module
Practical Physics I PHY1027 Module
Practical Physics II PHY2026 Module
Principles of Theoretical Physics PHY3068 Module
Professional Experience PHY3306 Module
Professional Placement PHY3308 Module
Project and Dissertation PHYM009 Module
Project and Dissertation PHYM010 Module
Project and Dissertation PHY3122 Module
Properties of Matter PHY1024 Module
Quantam Mechanics 1 PHY2022 Module
Quantum Many-Body Theory PHYM013 Module
Quantum Mechanics II PHYM002 Module
Quantum Mechanics II PHYM002B Module
Quantum Mechanics II PHYM002A Module
Quantum Optics and Photonics PHYM015 Module
Quantum Optics and Photonics PHY3065 Module
Relativity and Cosmology PHYM006 Module
Scientific Programming in C PHY2027 Module
Scientific Programming in Python PHY1031 Module
Scientific Programming in Python PHY2035 Module
Soft Matter PHY3071 Module
Solar and Extra-Solar Planets and Their Atmospheres PHYM012 Module
Stars PHY3063 Module
Stars from Birth to Death PHY3070 Module
Statistical Physics PHYM001 Module
Statistical Physics (IS) PHYM011 Module
The Biophysics of Cells and Tissues PHY3061 Module
The Physics of Living Systems PHY2029 Module
Thermal Physics PHY2023 Module
Ultrafast Physics PHY3069 Module
Vector Mechanics PHY1021 Module
Waves and Optics PHY1023 Module

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