Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
"What is Love? And do I need it?" An Introduction to Spanish Renaissance Love Poetry |
MLS2158 |
Module |
A Brief History of Modern China (1861-Present) |
MLM1013 |
Module |
A Journey of Discovery: Hispanic Global Culture |
MLS1164 |
Module |
A Nation Remembers: Issues in German Cultural Memory |
MLG1014 |
Module |
A Russian Carnival of the Animals |
MLR3123 |
Module |
A Russian Carnival of the Animals |
MLR2023 |
Module |
A Thousand Faces: Cultures and History in 19th-Century Italy |
MLI1121 |
Module |
Advanced Chinese Language Skills |
MLM3111 |
Module |
Advanced French Language Skills |
MLF3111 |
Module |
Advanced German Language Skills |
MLG3111 |
Module |
Advanced Translation Studies |
SML3031 |
Module |
Afro-Brazil: Ideas of Africa in Brazilian Fiction |
MLP3002 |
Module |
Afro-Brazil: Transatlantic Identities in Culture |
MLP3009 |
Module |
Alessandro Manzoni's The Betrothed |
MLI2220 |
Module |
Aliens Abroad: Science Fiction in Global Literature |
HUM3002 |
Module |
Almodovar's Spain: Cinema and Society |
MLS3066 |
Module |
An Emotional Experience: Russian Literature and the Expression of Feeling |
MLR1006 |
Module |
An Introduction to the Hispanic World: Texts in Context |
MLS1064 |
Module |
An Introduction to the Literature and Film of Spain |
MLS1068 |
Module |
Beginners Chinese |
MLM1052 |
Module |
Berlin: Culture, History and Politics |
MLG2018 |
Module |
Bibliography: Religion, Revolution and Counterrevolution in Latin America |
MLS3061 |
Module |
Catalonia Is Not Spain? Modern Catalan Culture in Context |
MLS2070 |
Module |
Chekhov's Major Plays |
MLR1005 |
Module |
China and the Third World: Foreign Relations and Nation Building in China in the Cold War Era |
MLM3011 |
Module |
China through the Lens: Cultural Translation and Self Preservation |
MLM3009 |
Module |
Chinese art and the art of living |
MLM1014 |
Module |
Chinoiserie and Européenerie: Artistic and cultural exchanges between China and Europe |
MLM2003 |
Module |
Comparative Literatures and Cultures: Theories and Approaches |
SML1003 |
Module |
Constructing Nature: Stories we Live By |
SML1002 |
Module |
Contemporary French Cinema: Issues and Debates |
MLF2065 |
Module |
Contemporary French Visual Culture |
MLF3066 |
Module |
Contemporary Italian Cinema |
MLI1054 |
Module |
Contemporary Italy Social and Cultural Change |
MLI3021 |
Module |
Contemporary Latin American Cinema |
SML2004 |
Module |
Contemporary Russian Written and Oral |
MLR1001 |
Module |
Coping With Catastrophe: German Culture, Literature And Politics In The Interwar Years |
MLG3037 |
Module |
Corporate Language and Communication: When Sharks Work with Dolphins |
SML3026 |
Module |
Crime and Madness |
MLG2034 |
Module |
Cross Currents: Culture and Modernity in Latin America |
MLS3030 |
Module |
Cross Currents: Memory, Myth and Modernity in Latin America |
MLS3057 |
Module |
Cultural Connections in Southern Africa: Literature and Film |
SML2002 |
Module |
Dialectology in France |
MLF3046 |
Module |
Dictatorships on Display: History Exhibitions in Germany and Austria |
MLG3036 |
Module |
Dissertation |
SMLM088 |
Module |
Divided Germany in Film and Visual Culture 1949-1990 |
MLG1022 |
Module |
Dread and Delight: Portraying Passions in Early Modern French Literature |
MLF2004 |
Module |
East is East? Cross-Cultural Encounters in Medieval French Literature |
MLF2069 |
Module |
Elena Ferrante's My Brilliant Friend |
MLI3199 |
Module |
Encounters and Entanglements: Chinese Art in Global Perspective |
MLM2011 |
Module |
Evolution of the french language |
MLF2012 |
Module |
Exploring Revolution: The Making of Soviet Society and Culture in the 1920s |
MLR2024 |
Module |
Federico García Lorca. Theatre & Poetry |
MLS2045 |
Module |
Fiction in Post-War Spain: Voices of Conformity and Subversion |
MLS2160 |
Module |
First-Person Outsiders in Modern French Literature |
MLF3075 |
Module |
Franco’s Spain: Narratives Under Dictatorship |
MLS2053 |
Module |
Freedom and French Realism |
MLF2003 |
Module |
French Cinema from the 'New Wave' to the Present Day |
MLF1119 |
Module |
French Language |
MLF1001 |
Module |
French language |
MLF2001 |
Module |
French Language |
MLF3101 |
Module |
French Language for Beginners |
MLF1052 |
Module |
French Language Written |
MLF3101A |
Module |
French Visual History |
MLF1121 |
Module |
French-language Road Movies: Space, Place and Identity |
MLF2006 |
Module |
From Page to Screen: The Italian Female Detective in Literature, Film, and Television |
MLI2004 |
Module |
Gender and Resistance: Contemporary Women's Writing in French |
MLF2067 |
Module |
Gender Perspectives |
MLS1016 |
Module |
Gender, Race and Migration in 20th and 21st-century German Literature |
MLG2019 |
Module |
German Language, Written and Oral |
MLG1001 |
Module |
German Language, Written and Oral |
MLG2001 |
Module |
Green Matters in Modern Languages and Cultures |
SML3041 |
Module |
Hispanic Journeys |
MLS1017 |
Module |
How to be a Knight: Political Lessons from 14th-Century Spain |
MLS2044 |
Module |
How to Talk about Africa? Literature, Photography and Film from Portuguese-Speaking Africa |
MLP2004 |
Module |
Ideologies and Identities in German Cinema |
MLG2042 |
Module |
Ideology in the Hispanic World |
MLS1067 |
Module |
Ideology in the Hispanic World |
SML1067 |
Module |
Images of Dissent: Spanish Film Under Franco |
MLS2017 |
Module |
Intercultural Communication |
SML2246 |
Module |
Intercultural Communication in a Global World |
SML3009 |
Module |
Intercultural Communication: Key Concepts and Theories |
SMLM087 |
Module |
Intermediate Chinese (One) |
MLM2052 |
Module |
Intermediate French |
MLF2152 |
Module |
Internship Abroad Combined with Study at a Partner University Abroad |
SML3025 |
Module |
Intimate Spaces of the French Enlightenment |
MLF2066 |
Module |
Introduction to Film |
SML1207 |
Module |
Introduction to Interpreting: Consecutive and Liaison |
SMLM157 |
Module |
Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature |
MLM3008 |
Module |
Introduction to Post-Colonial Francophone Cinema |
MLF2042 |
Module |
Introduction to the Lusophone World |
MLP1002 |
Module |
Italian Cinema: An Introduction |
MLI1056 |
Module |
Italian Film Through Stardom |
MLI3029 |
Module |
Italian Language |
MLI1001 |
Module |
Italian Language |
MLI2051 |
Module |
Italian Language for Beginners |
MLI1052 |
Module |
Italian Language, Written and Oral |
MLI2001 |
Module |
Italian Screen Audiences: Film and television history from below |
MLI3032 |
Module |
Italian Varieties and Dialects |
MLI3028 |
Module |
Italian(s) in the World |
MLI2019 |
Module |
Italy Inside Out: Popular visual narratives about Italy |
MLI1016 |
Module |
Key Concepts for Global Literatures and Cultures |
SMLM235 |
Module |
Key Modern Poets from Spain and Latin America |
MLS2159 |
Module |
Language and Globalisation |
SMLM089 |
Module |
Language in the Goethezeit |
MLG2047 |
Module |
Language, Communication, and Power |
SML1005 |
Module |
Language, Culture, International Relations |
SML1208 |
Module |
Language, Ethnography and Mobility |
SMLM059 |
Module |
Latin American Cinema: Race, Nation & Representation |
SMLM236 |
Module |
Law in Fiction |
MLG3112 |
Module |
Law in Fiction |
SML3012 |
Module |
Les Miserables from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day |
MLF3080 |
Module |
Longing for an Audience: Medieval Troubadour Lyric |
MLF3074 |
Module |
Love (and Marriage?) In Contemporary Italian Film Comedy |
MLI2018 |
Module |
Love and Death in French Culture |
MLF1014 |
Module |
Love and Death in Spanish Drama |
MLS2060 |
Module |
Made In Germany: The History And Culture Of A Global Brand |
MLG1020 |
Module |
Making a Career in Publishing |
HUM2004 |
Module |
Making a Career in Publishing |
HUM3016 |
Module |
Marcel Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu |
MLF3073 |
Module |
Mediated Lives: Intermedial Fiction from Latin America |
MLS3069 |
Module |
Medieval Song: Music and Society in the Late Middle Ages |
SML3038 |
Module |
Memory & Autobiographical Writing |
MLS3048 |
Module |
Migration and Multilingualism |
SML3043 |
Module |
Migration in World Cinema |
SML3044 |
Module |
Modern China, a Brief History: 18th to 20th Century |
MLM1012 |
Module |
Monster of Nature and Phoenix of Wits: An Introduction to the Work of Lope de Vega |
MLS3067 |
Module |
Multicultural Italy |
MLI3033 |
Module |
Multilingualism in Society |
SML2244 |
Module |
Multilingualism, Audiovisual Translation and Power in Cinéma-monde |
MLF3007 |
Module |
SML3019 |
Module |
Music in Medieval Europe |
SML2209 |
Module |
Music, Poetry, and Society at the Late Medieval French Court |
MLF3050 |
Module |
Music, Poetry, and Society at the Late Medieval French Court |
SML3050 |
Module |
Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse |
MLI2207 |
Module |
Nature and the City in German Literature, Visual Arts and Film |
MLG1018 |
Module |
Outside In: An Introduction to Outcasts and Outsiders in German-language Literature and Film |
MLG1021 |
Module |
Paris je t'aime: Writing the City |
MLF2071 |
Module |
Philosophers, Prophets, and Mystics in French Culture |
MLF3078 |
Module |
Place and Identity in Contemporary Venezuelan Culture |
MLS2072 |
Module |
Politics and Honour: An Introduction to the Spanish Golden Age |
MLS1024 |
Module |
Politics of Contemporary China |
MLM2002 |
Module |
Portuguese Language for Beginners |
MLP1052 |
Module |
Protest, Priests and Princes |
MLG2045 |
Module |
Provoking Thoughts - French Literature and Philosophy from the Renaissance to the 20th Century |
MLF2056 |
Module |
Rap ta France: Narratives of National Identity In French Rap |
MLF2075 |
Module |
Reading China: from Mandarins to Revolutionists |
MLM2010 |
Module |
Reading Comparatively |
SML1004 |
Module |
Reason and Existence : An Introduction into French Thought |
MLF1105 |
Module |
Representing Immigration in Contemporary Italian Cinema |
MLI3052 |
Module |
Russia: Identity and Empire |
MLR1023 |
Module |
Russian Cinema in Five Films |
MLR2019 |
Module |
Russian Language for Beginners |
MLR1030 |
Module |
Sex, Sciences and the Arts |
MLG3040 |
Module |
Sex, Subversion and Censorship: Libertine Literature in Seventeenth-Century France |
MLF3079 |
Module |
Sexual Politics: Gender Dynamics in Early Modern France |
MLF3081 |
Module |
Socialist Thought and Practice in Latin America and Africa |
SML3014 |
Module |
Spain and 1898: from Disaster to Modernity |
MLS3065 |
Module |
Spain from Democracy to Dictatorship: Republic, Civil War and Francoism, 1931-1953 |
MLS2067 |
Module |
Spain Since the Transition: Society, Politics and Culture |
MLS1023 |
Module |
Spanish History and Culture: Crisis and Change |
MLS1027 |
Module |
Spanish Language |
MLS1001 |
Module |
Spanish Language (ex-beginners) |
MLS2156 |
Module |
Spanish language for beginners |
MLS1056 |
Module |
Spanish Modernists: Identity, Gender and Nation |
MLS3112 |
Module |
Specialist Translation 1 |
SMLM152 |
Module |
Staging Conflicts: Spanish Romantic Drama |
MLS3068 |
Module |
Study Abroad at a Partner University (with Assessment in the Foreign Language) |
SML3020 |
Module |
Subversive Texts: Baudelaire and Rachilde |
MLF2076 |
Module |
Tales of Freedom, Necessity and Providence |
HUM2005 |
Module |
MLS1025 |
Module |
Telling Stories: Narrative Strategies in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Fiction in French |
MLF2068 |
Module |
The Broken Mirror: Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse |
SML2207 |
Module |
The Chilean Road to Socialism (1970-1973): What Happened and Why? Elements for a Debate |
MLS3071 |
Module |
The Deceptive City: The Creation of St Petersburg in Russian Literature |
MLR3026 |
Module |
The Devil is in the Detail: An Introduction to the Short Story in French |
MLF1018 |
Module |
The French Language, Present and Past |
MLF1103 |
Module |
The Invention of Modern Love |
MLF3006 |
Module |
The Invention of Modern Love in the Middle Ages |
MLF3004 |
Module |
The Latin American Short Story: Mystery, Magic and the Fantastic |
MLS2061 |
Module |
The Lusotropical Tempest: An Introduction to Portuguese Speaking Africa |
MLP2003 |
Module |
The Making of Modern France |
MLF1017 |
Module |
The Making of Modern Latin America: History Through Literature and Culture |
MLS1066 |
Module |
The Making of Modern Latin America: History, Culture and Society |
MLS1026 |
Module |
The Making of Modern Spain |
MLS1065 |
Module |
The Making of Underground Russia 1825-1917 |
MLR3027 |
Module |
The Outsider in Hispanic Texts |
MLS1022 |
Module |
The Postcolonial in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking Africa |
MLP3008 |
Module |
The Practice of Translation |
SMLM151 |
Module |
The Pursuit of Italy in 19th Century History and Literature |
MLI1320 |
Module |
The Short Story of the Spanish Golden Age |
MLS2157 |
Module |
The Sociolinguistics of French |
MLF3034 |
Module |
The Translation Profession |
SMLM153 |
Module |
Through the Language Lens: The Relationship Between Language, Culture and the Mind |
SML3013 |
Module |
Transcultural Devon: Creating, Analysing and Subtitling Interviews in the Context of Migration |
SML3042 |
Module |
Translating Exile: Contemporary Francophone Women Writers |
MLF2074 |
Module |
Translation as Cultural and Intermedia Practice |
SMLM158 |
Module |
Translation as Literary and Creative Practice |
SMLM156 |
Module |
Translation as Multimedia and Audiovisual Practice |
SMLM155 |
Module |
Translation Dissertation |
SMLM145 |
Module |
Translation Theory |
SMLM150 |
Module |
Travelling Identities in the Lusophone World |
MLP2005 |
Module |
Tsai Ming-Liang and A Cinema of Slowness |
SMLM080 |
Module |
Turning Points in German History 1200 - 2000 |
MLG1017 |
Module |
Understanding Contemporary Spain Through Graphic Novels |
MLS3070 |
Module |
Understanding Russia |
MLR2021 |
Module |
Unhappy Families? Deviance and Order in Early Modern French Literature |
MLF3077 |
Module |
Unlawful Sex: Sexualities on Trial in Medieval Spain |
MLS3072 |
Module |
Varieties of French |
MLF2029 |
Module |
Violence and Vanitas: The German Baroque |
MLG3035 |
Module |
Violence and Virtue: Early Modern French Theatre |
MLF2070 |
Module |
Violence, Gender and Nationhood in the Work of Heinrich von Kleist |
MLG3028 |
Module |
What Did the German Kaiserreich Do for Us? Questions to a New Nation (1870-1914) |
MLG3039 |
Module |
Women and Feminism in Spain |
MLS3037 |
Module |
Women in Translation: Gender and Publishing in the 21st Century |
SML3040 |
Module |
Work and Study Abroad |
SML3010 |
Module |
Writing the Self: Contemporary Francophone Autobiographies |
MLF3071 |
Module |
Youth and Age: Generations in German Fiction and Film |
MLG2003 |
Module |