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"What is Love? And do I need it?" An Introduction to Spanish Renaissance Love Poetry MLS2158 Module
A Brief History of Modern China (1861-Present) MLM1013 Module
A Journey of Discovery: Hispanic Global Culture MLS1164 Module
A Nation Remembers: Issues in German Cultural Memory MLG1014 Module
A Russian Carnival of the Animals MLR3123 Module
A Russian Carnival of the Animals MLR2023 Module
A Thousand Faces: Cultures and History in 19th-Century Italy MLI1121 Module
Advanced Chinese Language Skills MLM3111 Module
Advanced French Language Skills MLF3111 Module
Advanced German Language Skills MLG3111 Module
Advanced Translation Studies SML3031 Module
Afro-Brazil: Ideas of Africa in Brazilian Fiction MLP3002 Module
Afro-Brazil: Transatlantic Identities in Culture MLP3009 Module
Alessandro Manzoni's The Betrothed MLI2220 Module
Aliens Abroad: Science Fiction in Global Literature HUM3002 Module
Almodovar's Spain: Cinema and Society MLS3066 Module
An Emotional Experience: Russian Literature and the Expression of Feeling MLR1006 Module
An Introduction to the Hispanic World: Texts in Context MLS1064 Module
An Introduction to the Literature and Film of Spain MLS1068 Module
Beginners Chinese MLM1052 Module
Berlin: Culture, History and Politics MLG2018 Module
Bibliography: Religion, Revolution and Counterrevolution in Latin America MLS3061 Module
Catalonia Is Not Spain? Modern Catalan Culture in Context MLS2070 Module
Chekhov's Major Plays MLR1005 Module
China and the Third World: Foreign Relations and Nation Building in China in the Cold War Era MLM3011 Module
China through the Lens: Cultural Translation and Self Preservation MLM3009 Module
Chinese art and the art of living MLM1014 Module
Chinoiserie and Européenerie: Artistic and cultural exchanges between China and Europe MLM2003 Module
Comparative Literatures and Cultures: Theories and Approaches SML1003 Module
Constructing Nature: Stories we Live By SML1002 Module
Contemporary French Cinema: Issues and Debates MLF2065 Module
Contemporary French Visual Culture MLF3066 Module
Contemporary Italian Cinema MLI1054 Module
Contemporary Italy Social and Cultural Change MLI3021 Module
Contemporary Latin American Cinema SML2004 Module
Contemporary Russian Written and Oral MLR1001 Module
Coping With Catastrophe: German Culture, Literature And Politics In The Interwar Years MLG3037 Module
Corporate Language and Communication: When Sharks Work with Dolphins SML3026 Module
Crime and Madness MLG2034 Module
Cross Currents: Culture and Modernity in Latin America MLS3030 Module
Cross Currents: Memory, Myth and Modernity in Latin America MLS3057 Module
Cultural Connections in Southern Africa: Literature and Film SML2002 Module
Dialectology in France MLF3046 Module
Dictatorships on Display: History Exhibitions in Germany and Austria MLG3036 Module
Dissertation SMLM088 Module
Divided Germany in Film and Visual Culture 1949-1990 MLG1022 Module
Dread and Delight: Portraying Passions in Early Modern French Literature MLF2004 Module
East is East? Cross-Cultural Encounters in Medieval French Literature MLF2069 Module
Elena Ferrante's My Brilliant Friend MLI3199 Module
Encounters and Entanglements: Chinese Art in Global Perspective MLM2011 Module
Evolution of the french language MLF2012 Module
Exploring Revolution: The Making of Soviet Society and Culture in the 1920s MLR2024 Module
Federico García Lorca. Theatre & Poetry MLS2045 Module
Fiction in Post-War Spain: Voices of Conformity and Subversion MLS2160 Module
First-Person Outsiders in Modern French Literature MLF3075 Module
Franco’s Spain: Narratives Under Dictatorship MLS2053 Module
Freedom and French Realism MLF2003 Module
French Cinema from the 'New Wave' to the Present Day MLF1119 Module
French Language MLF1001 Module
French language MLF2001 Module
French Language MLF3101 Module
French Language for Beginners MLF1052 Module
French Language Written MLF3101A Module
French Visual History MLF1121 Module
French-language Road Movies: Space, Place and Identity MLF2006 Module
From Page to Screen: The Italian Female Detective in Literature, Film, and Television MLI2004 Module
Gender and Resistance: Contemporary Women's Writing in French MLF2067 Module
Gender Perspectives MLS1016 Module
Gender, Race and Migration in 20th and 21st-century German Literature MLG2019 Module
German Language, Written and Oral MLG1001 Module
German Language, Written and Oral MLG2001 Module
Green Matters in Modern Languages and Cultures SML3041 Module
Hispanic Journeys MLS1017 Module
How to be a Knight: Political Lessons from 14th-Century Spain MLS2044 Module
How to Talk about Africa? Literature, Photography and Film from Portuguese-Speaking Africa MLP2004 Module
Ideologies and Identities in German Cinema MLG2042 Module
Ideology in the Hispanic World MLS1067 Module
Ideology in the Hispanic World SML1067 Module
Images of Dissent: Spanish Film Under Franco MLS2017 Module
Intercultural Communication SML2246 Module
Intercultural Communication in a Global World SML3009 Module
Intercultural Communication: Key Concepts and Theories SMLM087 Module
Intermediate Chinese (One) MLM2052 Module
Intermediate French MLF2152 Module
Internship Abroad Combined with Study at a Partner University Abroad SML3025 Module
Intimate Spaces of the French Enlightenment MLF2066 Module
Introduction to Film SML1207 Module
Introduction to Interpreting: Consecutive and Liaison SMLM157 Module
Introduction to Modern Chinese Literature MLM3008 Module
Introduction to Post-Colonial Francophone Cinema MLF2042 Module
Introduction to the Lusophone World MLP1002 Module
Italian Cinema: An Introduction MLI1056 Module
Italian Film Through Stardom MLI3029 Module
Italian Language MLI1001 Module
Italian Language MLI2051 Module
Italian Language for Beginners MLI1052 Module
Italian Language, Written and Oral MLI2001 Module
Italian Screen Audiences: Film and television history from below MLI3032 Module
Italian Varieties and Dialects MLI3028 Module
Italian(s) in the World MLI2019 Module
Italy Inside Out: Popular visual narratives about Italy MLI1016 Module
Key Concepts for Global Literatures and Cultures SMLM235 Module
Key Modern Poets from Spain and Latin America MLS2159 Module
Language and Globalisation SMLM089 Module
Language in the Goethezeit MLG2047 Module
Language, Communication, and Power SML1005 Module
Language, Culture, International Relations SML1208 Module
Language, Ethnography and Mobility SMLM059 Module
Latin American Cinema: Race, Nation & Representation SMLM236 Module
Law in Fiction MLG3112 Module
Law in Fiction SML3012 Module
Les Miserables from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day MLF3080 Module
Longing for an Audience: Medieval Troubadour Lyric MLF3074 Module
Love (and Marriage?) In Contemporary Italian Film Comedy MLI2018 Module
Love and Death in French Culture MLF1014 Module
Love and Death in Spanish Drama MLS2060 Module
Made In Germany: The History And Culture Of A Global Brand MLG1020 Module
Making a Career in Publishing HUM2004 Module
Making a Career in Publishing HUM3016 Module
Marcel Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu MLF3073 Module
Mediated Lives: Intermedial Fiction from Latin America MLS3069 Module
Medieval Song: Music and Society in the Late Middle Ages SML3038 Module
Memory & Autobiographical Writing MLS3048 Module
Migration and Multilingualism SML3043 Module
Migration in World Cinema SML3044 Module
Modern China, a Brief History: 18th to 20th Century MLM1012 Module
Monster of Nature and Phoenix of Wits: An Introduction to the Work of Lope de Vega MLS3067 Module
Multicultural Italy MLI3033 Module
Multilingualism in Society SML2244 Module
Multilingualism, Audiovisual Translation and Power in Cinéma-monde MLF3007 Module
Music in Medieval Europe SML2209 Module
Music, Poetry, and Society at the Late Medieval French Court MLF3050 Module
Music, Poetry, and Society at the Late Medieval French Court SML3050 Module
Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse MLI2207 Module
Nature and the City in German Literature, Visual Arts and Film MLG1018 Module
Outside In: An Introduction to Outcasts and Outsiders in German-language Literature and Film MLG1021 Module
Paris je t'aime: Writing the City MLF2071 Module
Philosophers, Prophets, and Mystics in French Culture MLF3078 Module
Place and Identity in Contemporary Venezuelan Culture MLS2072 Module
Politics and Honour: An Introduction to the Spanish Golden Age MLS1024 Module
Politics of Contemporary China MLM2002 Module
Portuguese Language for Beginners MLP1052 Module
Protest, Priests and Princes MLG2045 Module
Provoking Thoughts - French Literature and Philosophy from the Renaissance to the 20th Century MLF2056 Module
Rap ta France: Narratives of National Identity In French Rap MLF2075 Module
Reading China: from Mandarins to Revolutionists MLM2010 Module
Reading Comparatively SML1004 Module
Reason and Existence : An Introduction into French Thought MLF1105 Module
Representing Immigration in Contemporary Italian Cinema MLI3052 Module
Russia: Identity and Empire MLR1023 Module
Russian Cinema in Five Films MLR2019 Module
Russian Language for Beginners MLR1030 Module
Sex, Sciences and the Arts MLG3040 Module
Sex, Subversion and Censorship: Libertine Literature in Seventeenth-Century France MLF3079 Module
Sexual Politics: Gender Dynamics in Early Modern France MLF3081 Module
Socialist Thought and Practice in Latin America and Africa SML3014 Module
Spain and 1898: from Disaster to Modernity MLS3065 Module
Spain from Democracy to Dictatorship: Republic, Civil War and Francoism, 1931-1953 MLS2067 Module
Spain Since the Transition: Society, Politics and Culture MLS1023 Module
Spanish History and Culture: Crisis and Change MLS1027 Module
Spanish Language MLS1001 Module
Spanish Language (ex-beginners) MLS2156 Module
Spanish language for beginners MLS1056 Module
Spanish Modernists: Identity, Gender and Nation MLS3112 Module
Specialist Translation 1 SMLM152 Module
Staging Conflicts: Spanish Romantic Drama MLS3068 Module
Study Abroad at a Partner University (with Assessment in the Foreign Language) SML3020 Module
Subversive Texts: Baudelaire and Rachilde MLF2076 Module
Tales of Freedom, Necessity and Providence HUM2005 Module
Telling Stories: Narrative Strategies in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Fiction in French MLF2068 Module
The Broken Mirror: Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse SML2207 Module
The Chilean Road to Socialism (1970-1973): What Happened and Why? Elements for a Debate MLS3071 Module
The Deceptive City: The Creation of St Petersburg in Russian Literature MLR3026 Module
The Devil is in the Detail: An Introduction to the Short Story in French MLF1018 Module
The French Language, Present and Past MLF1103 Module
The Invention of Modern Love MLF3006 Module
The Invention of Modern Love in the Middle Ages MLF3004 Module
The Latin American Short Story: Mystery, Magic and the Fantastic MLS2061 Module
The Lusotropical Tempest: An Introduction to Portuguese Speaking Africa MLP2003 Module
The Making of Modern France MLF1017 Module
The Making of Modern Latin America: History Through Literature and Culture MLS1066 Module
The Making of Modern Latin America: History, Culture and Society MLS1026 Module
The Making of Modern Spain MLS1065 Module
The Making of Underground Russia 1825-1917 MLR3027 Module
The Outsider in Hispanic Texts MLS1022 Module
The Postcolonial in Portugal and Portuguese-speaking Africa MLP3008 Module
The Practice of Translation SMLM151 Module
The Pursuit of Italy in 19th Century History and Literature MLI1320 Module
The Short Story of the Spanish Golden Age MLS2157 Module
The Sociolinguistics of French MLF3034 Module
The Translation Profession SMLM153 Module
Through the Language Lens: The Relationship Between Language, Culture and the Mind SML3013 Module
Transcultural Devon: Creating, Analysing and Subtitling Interviews in the Context of Migration SML3042 Module
Translating Exile: Contemporary Francophone Women Writers MLF2074 Module
Translation as Cultural and Intermedia Practice SMLM158 Module
Translation as Literary and Creative Practice SMLM156 Module
Translation as Multimedia and Audiovisual Practice SMLM155 Module
Translation Dissertation SMLM145 Module
Translation Theory SMLM150 Module
Travelling Identities in the Lusophone World MLP2005 Module
Tsai Ming-Liang and A Cinema of Slowness SMLM080 Module
Turning Points in German History 1200 - 2000 MLG1017 Module
Understanding Contemporary Spain Through Graphic Novels MLS3070 Module
Understanding Russia MLR2021 Module
Unhappy Families? Deviance and Order in Early Modern French Literature MLF3077 Module
Unlawful Sex: Sexualities on Trial in Medieval Spain MLS3072 Module
Varieties of French MLF2029 Module
Violence and Vanitas: The German Baroque MLG3035 Module
Violence and Virtue: Early Modern French Theatre MLF2070 Module
Violence, Gender and Nationhood in the Work of Heinrich von Kleist MLG3028 Module
What Did the German Kaiserreich Do for Us? Questions to a New Nation (1870-1914) MLG3039 Module
Women and Feminism in Spain MLS3037 Module
Women in Translation: Gender and Publishing in the 21st Century  SML3040 Module
Work and Study Abroad SML3010 Module
Writing the Self: Contemporary Francophone Autobiographies MLF3071 Module
Youth and Age: Generations in German Fiction and Film MLG2003 Module

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