(European) Consumer Law |
LAW2091 |
Module |
Advocacy and Negotiation |
LAW1017 |
Module |
Alternative Dispute Resolution |
LAW2059 |
Module |
Alternative Dispute Resolution |
LAW3059 |
Module |
Approaches to Research in Law |
LAWM686 |
Module |
Arabic Law and Society |
LAW3132 |
Module |
Artificial Intelligence and the Law |
LAW2190 |
Module |
Artificial Intelligence and the Law |
LAWM131 |
Module |
Artificial Intelligence and the Law |
LAW3190 |
Module |
Aspects of Evidence |
LAW3072 |
Module |
Aspects of Evidence |
LAW2072 |
Module |
Automated and Autonomous Transport: Cars and Ships |
LAWM165 |
Module |
Blockchain, Policy, Property |
LAWM167 |
Module |
Business and Human Rights |
LAW3198 |
Module |
Business and Human Rights Law and Policy |
LAWM166 |
Module |
Charity Law |
LAW3165 |
Module |
Commercial Law |
LAW3019 |
Module |
Commercial Law |
LAW2019 |
Module |
Company Law |
LAW3043 |
Module |
Company Law Foundation |
LAW3083 |
Module |
Competition Law |
LAWM087 |
Module |
Competition Law |
LAW2109 |
Module |
Constitutional and Administrative Law |
LAW1035 |
Module |
Constitutional and Administrative Law |
LAW2035B |
Module |
Constitutional and Administrative Law |
LAW2035 |
Module |
Constitutional and Administrative Law |
LAW4035 |
Module |
Consumer Protection |
LAWM089 |
Module |
Contract Law |
LAW2004B |
Module |
Copyright and Trade Mark Law |
LAWM139 |
Module |
Copyright, Confidence, Remedies and Theories |
LAW3081 |
Module |
Corporate Law, Corporate Governance, and Sustainability |
LAWM168 |
Module |
Corporate Social Responsibility and Law |
LAW3135 |
Module |
Corporate Social Responsibility: Globalisation, Regulation and Law |
LAWM104 |
Module |
Corporate Tax Law |
LAWM193 |
Module |
Criminal Evidence |
LAW3213 |
Module |
Criminal Justice and Evidence |
LAW3168 |
Module |
Criminal Law |
LAW3003 |
Module |
Criminal Law |
LAW4003 |
Module |
Criminal Law |
LAW1003 |
Module |
Criminal Law |
LAW3003B |
Module |
Criminal Law and Theory Part 1: Foundations |
LAW2006 |
Module |
Criminal Law and Theory Part 1: Foundations |
LAW3007 |
Module |
Cultural Heritage and Digitisation Lab |
LAW3215 |
Module |
Data Protection and Privacy |
LAWM169 |
Module |
Digital Copyright Law |
LAWM170 |
Module |
Dignity, Democracy and the Law |
LAWM146 |
Module |
Dignity, Democracy and the Law |
LAWM145 |
Module |
Dissertation |
LAW3047 |
Module |
Dissertation |
LAWM640 |
Module |
E-Commerce and Consumers |
LAWM171 |
Module |
Employment Law |
LAW2026 |
Module |
Employment Law |
LAW3026 |
Module |
English Legal History 1: The Birth of the Common Law |
LAW2055 |
Module |
English Legal History 1: The Birth of the Common Law |
LAW3055 |
Module |
Environment and Planning Law |
LAW2133 |
Module |
Environment and Planning Law |
LAW3133 |
Module |
Environmental Law |
LAW3200 |
Module |
Environmental Law And Planning |
LAW3142 |
Module |
Environmental Law and Policy |
LAWM078 |
Module |
Environmental Law and Policy |
LAW2073 |
Module |
Equality & Diversity in the Workplace |
LAW3169 |
Module |
Equality and Diversity |
LAW2095 |
Module |
Equity and Trusts |
LAW2041 |
Module |
EU Company Law |
LAWM059 |
Module |
EU Competition Law |
LAWM172 |
Module |
EU Trade Law |
LAW2093 |
Module |
European Convention on Human Rights |
LAWM008 |
Module |
European Union Law |
LAW3157B |
Module |
European Union Law |
LAW4034 |
Module |
European Union Law |
LAW2034 |
Module |
European Union Law |
LAW2103 |
Module |
Family Law |
LAW2020 |
Module |
Family Law |
LAW3020 |
Module |
Family Law : Adult Relationships |
LAW2057 |
Module |
Family Law : Adult Relationships |
LAW3057 |
Module |
Family Law : Parents and Children |
LAW2058 |
Module |
Family Law : Parents and Children |
LAW3058 |
Module |
Finance and Investment Law |
LAWM042 |
Module |
Financial Markets Law and Regulation |
LAWM173 |
Module |
Financial Markets Law and Regulation |
LAWM112 |
Module |
Foundations and Critical Perspectives in Environmental Law |
LAW3089 |
Module |
Foundations and Critical Perspectives in Environmental Law |
LAW2089 |
Module |
French Administrative Law |
LAW2033 |
Module |
French Constitutional Law |
LAW1013 |
Module |
French Law of Contract |
LAW3051 |
Module |
Gender, Sexuality and Law |
LAW3011 |
Module |
German Constitutional Law |
LAW1014 |
Module |
German Law of Obligations II |
LAW3032 |
Module |
Housing Law, Policy and Practice |
LAW2172 |
Module |
Human Dignity and Human Rights in the EU |
LAWM094 |
Module |
Human Dignity And Human Rights In The EU |
LAWM063 |
Module |
Human Rights and Digital Technologies |
LAWM155 |
Module |
Human Rights and Human Dignity |
LAW2171 |
Module |
Human Rights and Human Dignity |
LAW3171 |
Module |
Human Rights and Modern Technologies |
LAWM129 |
Module |
Human Rights Law |
LAW3214 |
Module |
Human Rights Law |
LAW2037 |
Module |
Human Rights Law |
LAW3037 |
Module |
Human Rights Law : The European Convention On Human Rights |
LAW2061 |
Module |
Human Rights Law : The European Convention On Human Rights |
LAW3061 |
Module |
Human Rights Law : The Human Rights Act 1998 |
LAW2060 |
Module |
Human Rights Law : The Human Rights Act 1998 |
LAW3060 |
Module |
Human Rights Law: The European Convention On Human Rights |
LAW2148 |
Module |
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery |
LAW3100 |
Module |
Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery |
LAW2100 |
Module |
Intellectual Property |
LAW3028 |
Module |
Intellectual Property |
LAW4028 |
Module |
International Arbitration |
LAWM174 |
Module |
International Arbitration |
LAWM084 |
Module |
International Banking and Fintech Law and Regulation |
LAWM183 |
Module |
International Commercial Arbitration |
LAW3191 |
Module |
International Commercial Law |
LAWM175 |
Module |
International Commercial Litigation |
LAW3184 |
Module |
International Commercial Litigation |
LAWM176 |
Module |
International Crimes and Crimes of Mass Violence |
LAWM148 |
Module |
International Crimes and Human Rights Abuses |
LAWM156 |
Module |
International Criminal Law |
LAWM683 |
Module |
International Criminal Law - Crimes and Criminal Responsibility |
LAWM061 |
Module |
International Criminal Law and Justice |
LAWM141 |
Module |
International Criminal Law and Justice |
LAW3911 |
Module |
International Family Law |
LAW3185 |
Module |
International Human Rights Law |
LAWM671 |
Module |
International Human Rights Law: Regional Systems |
LAWM158 |
Module |
International Human Rights Law: United Nations System |
LAWM157 |
Module |
International Investment Law and Arbitration |
LAWM081 |
Module |
International Law and the United Kingdom |
LAW2144 |
Module |
International Law in an Age of Geopolitical Competition |
LAWM154 |
Module |
International Law of Armed Conflict |
LAWM159 |
Module |
International Law Of Armed Conflict |
LAWM097 |
Module |
International Law, Conflict and Strategy |
LAW3146 |
Module |
International Refugee Law |
LAW3088 |
Module |
International Refugee Law |
LAW2088 |
Module |
International Trade and Society |
LAWM177 |
Module |
Internet Law |
LAW3188 |
Module |
Internet, Crime and Online Harms |
LAWM187 |
Module |
Introduction to international criminal law |
LAWM060 |
Module |
Introduction to Jurisprudence |
LAW2090 |
Module |
Islamic Law and Society |
LAW2132 |
Module |
Jurisprudence |
LAW2155 |
Module |
Jurisprudence I: Theories of the Nature of Law |
LAW3074 |
Module |
Jurisprudence I: Theories of the Nature of law |
LAW2074 |
Module |
Land Law |
LAW4017 |
Module |
Land Law |
LAW2017B |
Module |
Land Law |
LAW2017 |
Module |
Law of Contract |
LAW1004 |
Module |
Law of Torts |
LAW2015 |
Module |
Law of Torts |
LAW4015 |
Module |
Law Placement |
LAW3701 |
Module |
Law Placement |
LAW2701 |
Module |
Law Placement |
LAW1701 |
Module |
Law with Legal Placement: Placement Module |
LAW3700 |
Module |
Law, Democracy and Populism: The Rise and Fall of Constitutional Democracy |
LAW2153 |
Module |
Law, Digital Markets and Competition |
LAWM191 |
Module |
Law, Politics and Justice |
LAWM160 |
Module |
Law, Politics and Power |
LAW3186 |
Module |
Law, Politics and Power |
LAW3155 |
Module |
Law, Testimony and Trauma |
LAW3205 |
Module |
Lawtech, AI and the Future of Law |
LAWM190 |
Module |
Lawyer Ethics and Popular Culture Reading List |
LAW3010 |
Module |
Lawyers Ethics in the Real World |
LAW2154 |
Module |
Lawyers Ethics in the Real World |
LAW3202 |
Module |
Legal Foundations |
LAW1036 |
Module |
Legal Foundations and Introduction to Law for Non-lawyers |
LAW1020 |
Module |
Legal Research and Writing Skills |
LAWM189 |
Module |
Lethal Force, the ECHR and Democracy |
LAW3137 |
Module |
LLM Law Clinic |
LAWM178 |
Module |
Mediation and Dispute Resolution |
LAW2081 |
Module |
Medical Ethics And Law Foundations |
LAW3170 |
Module |
Medical Ethics And Law Foundations |
LAW3175 |
Module |
Medical Ethics and Law: Further Issues |
LAW3216 |
Module |
Medical Technology and the Law |
LAWM188 |
Module |
Mergers and Acquisitions |
LAWM100 |
Module |
Mergers and Acquisitions |
LAWM179 |
Module |
Mergers And Acquisitions |
LAWM036 |
Module |
Migrants, Refugees and Citizens in the UK |
LAW3204 |
Module |
Migration, Citizenship and Asylum in International Law |
LAWM161 |
Module |
Patent Law and Policy |
LAWM101 |
Module |
Principles of Company Law |
LAWM180 |
Module |
Public International Law |
LAW3024 |
Module |
Public International Law |
LAW2024 |
Module |
Qualitative Empirical Legal Research |
LAWM152 |
Module |
Quantitative Empirical Legal Research |
LAWM153 |
Module |
Regulating AI: Law, Policy, and Ethics |
LAWM181 |
Module |
Research Paper |
LAW3151A |
Module |
Research Paper |
LAW3151B |
Module |
Socio-Legal Research Skills |
LAWM687 |
Module |
Sports Law for Non-Lawyers |
LAW2071 |
Module |
Sports Law for Non-Lawyers |
LAW3071 |
Module |
Supreme Court Studies |
LAW2173 |
Module |
Tax Law |
LAWM182 |
Module |
Technology and Human Rights Law |
LAW3173 |
Module |
The Family, Law and Social Change |
LAWM689 |
Module |
The International Criminal Court: Law and Practice |
LAWM162 |
Module |
The International Law of Cyber Operations |
LAWM163 |
Module |
The Law of Contract |
LAW4006H |
Module |
The Law of Contract |
LAW4004 |
Module |
The Law of Torts |
LAW2015B |
Module |
The Use of Force in International Law |
LAWM164 |
Module |
The Use of Force in International Law |
LAWM037 |
Module |
Trademark and Patent Law |
LAW3082 |
Module |
Trusts |
LAW3041B |
Module |
Trusts |
LAW3041D |
Module |
Trusts |
LAW4041 |
Module |
United Nations Law |
LAW3181 |
Module |
Unjust Enrichment |
LAW3150 |
Module |
WTO Law and Society |
LAWM132 |
Module |