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'Dangerous Woman'? The Lives and Afterlives of Emma Goldman HIH1136 Module
A Culture of Violence? Violence and Conflict in South African History, 1880-present: Context & Sources HIH3031 Module
A History of Children and Childhood in Modern Europe HIH1022 Module
A History of Epidemics from the Plague to Zika HIH1027 Module
A New Jerusalem? Being Protestant in Post-Reformation England: Sources HIH3207 Module
A New Jerusalem? Being Protestant in Post-Reformation England: Sources HIH3206 Module
Advanced Historical Research Skills HISM016 Module
African American History HIH2209A Module
African American History HIH2009A Module
Albion’s Fatal Tree: Capital Punishment in England, 1688–1965 HIH2036A Module
American Frontiers: The West in U.S. History and Mythology HIH2037 Module
An Age of Iron? Europe in the Tenth Century HIH2590 Module
An Introduction to Early Modern English Palaeography HASM012 Module
Anarchism: Theory, Practice, History HIH2034A Module
Approaches to history HIH1401 Module
Becoming a Historian: Core HIH1137 Module
Beyond Cannibalism: Indigenous Peoples and the European Colonisation of Brazil, 1500-1822: Sources and Context HIH3433 Module
Body, Border, Partition: Understanding Violence in South Asia HIH1618 Module
Borders and Mobilities in Postcolonial South Asia HIH3451 Module
Britain and Slavery: Sources HIH3325 Module
Britain and Slavery: Sources HIH3324 Module
Britain and the Age of Revolution, 1775-1832: Sources and Context HIH3448 Module
Britain, America and the Global Order, 1846 - 1946 HIH1402 Module
Britons Abroad: The Experience of Travel, c. 1650-1900 HIH3441 Module
Chile Under Allende and Pinochet HIH3203 Module
Chile Under Allende and Pinochet HIH3202 Module
China in the World, 1500-1840 HIH2185A Module
China's Intellectual Elites - Ideas and Networks 1860s-1960s: Context HIH3032 Module
China's Intellectual Elites - Ideas and Networks 1860s-1960s: Sources HIH3021 Module
Churchill and the Empire, 1874-1965 HIH3255 Module
Civil Wars HIH3628 Module
Civilization and Disease: Health, Medicine and the Environment, 1750-2000 HIH3100 Module
Confinement, Care, Cure: Psychiatric Institutions in the Twentieth Century HIH1140 Module
Consumer Revolution? Food, Things and Fashion in England 1500-1800: Sources HIH3597 Module
Contested Pasts: History in the Public Sphere HISM037 Module
Crime and Society in England, 1500-1800 HIH2203A Module
Critical Approaches in Medieval Research HISM019 Module
Critical Approaches to Early Modern History HISM001 Module
Critical Approaches to Imperial and Global History HISM003 Module
Critical Approaches to Maritime and Naval History HISM002 Module
Critics of Empire HIH3416 Module
Critics of Empire: Context HIH3183 Module
Critics of Empire: Sources HIH3182 Module
Crusades in Cristendom, 1179-1588: Context HIH3323 Module
Crusades in Cristendom, 1179-1588: Sources HIH3322 Module
Cultures and Environments of Health HUMM018 Module
Death to the Traitors: Rebellion and Resisting Tyranny in the Middle Ages HIH3437 Module
Decolonisation and Colonial Conflict HIH3450 Module
Decolonisation and the Collapse of the British Empire, 1919-1968 HIH2014A Module
Deviants and Dissenters in Early Modern England HIH2186A Module
Disease HIH3629 Module
Dissertation in History HISM400 Module
Dissertation in History HISM403 Module
Dissertation in Medieval Studies HISM180 Module
Doing History: Perspectives on Sources HIH2001 Module
Early Modern Magic and Witchcraft HIH1412 Module
Early Modern Venice: Representations and Myths HIH1586 Module
Electoral Politics in Britain, c.1900-1964: HIH3310 Module
Engendering Empire: Making the British Imperial World (Context) HIH3059 Module
Engendering Empire: Making the British Imperial World (Sources) HIH3058 Module
Europe in the Era of the Great War, 1908-1923: Crisis, Conflict and Collapse HIH2594 Module
Europe in the Tenth Century: Continuity and Change HIH2092A Module
Europe, 1650-1800 HIH2032A Module
European Empires and Proto-Globalization 1200-1800 HISM483 Module
Everyday Stalinism: Life in the Soviet Union, 1928-53 HIH3415 Module
Everyday Stalinism: Life in the Soviet Union, 1928-53: Context HIH3188 Module
Everyday Stalinism: Life in the Soviet Union, 1928-53: Sources HIH3187 Module
Food And Agriculture In Historical Perspective HISM041 Module
Forgetting Fascism Remembering Communism: Memory in Modern Europe HIH3549 Module
Forgetting Fascism, Remembering Communism: Memory in Modern Europe HIH2011A Module
From Conquest to Communism: Central Asia Under the Russian and Soviet Empires, 1730-1945 HIH2184A Module
From the Grand Tour to Gladiator: Modern Encounters with the Ancient World HIH3430 Module
From Wigan Pier to Piccadilly: Britain between the Wars HIH1411 Module
Gender and Citizenship in Britain Since 1866 HIH2212A Module
Gender and Sexuality in the Middle Ages HIH1053 Module
Gender, Society and Culture in Early Modern Europe HISM036 Module
Global Governance for Peace, Security, Cooperation and Development, 1914 to the present HISM046 Module
Global Health: Historical Sources and Problems HIH1058 Module
Governing the World: A History of Internationalism from WW1 to the Present: Context HIH3314 Module
Governing the World: A History of Internationalism from WW1 to the Present: Sources HIH3315 Module
he Habsburg Monarchy of Austria-Hungary 1867-1918 HIH1609 Module
Health and Its Politics in the 20th Century: Sources and Context HIH3426 Module
Heroes: Conceptions, Constructions and Representations HIH3626 Module
Historical Masterclass HASM011 Module
History Dissertation HIH3005 Module
History Foundation Course HIH1000 Module
History of Development: Ideologies, Politics and Projects HIH2138A Module
History of Science in Society HIH2207B Module
Images of Stalinism HIH1600 Module
Introduction to Black British Studies HUM1006 Module
Introduction to Digital Humanities HISM040 Module
Inventing Modern Man: Constructions of Mind, Body, and the Individual, 1400-1800 HIH2137A Module
Islam and the Making of Medieval Europe, c.600-1300 HIH2200A Module
Ladies of the Night : Prostitution in the Victorian World HIH1585 Module
Let's Get Medieval! HASM004 Module
Literature, Culture, and Politics in Early Modern England: Context HIH3625 Module
Literature, Culture, and Politics in Early Modern England: Sources HIH3624 Module
Living Through the Global: Colonial Migrants and the British Empire from the Eighteenth Century to the Present HIH2016A Module
Losing an Empire, Finding a Role: Britain Since 1945 HIH1002 Module
Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe HIH1542 Module
Magic in the Middle Ages HIH3266 Module
Magic in the Middle Ages HIH3267 Module
Making A New China: Ideas, Networks, and the Intelligentsia: Context HIH3321 Module
Making A New China: Ideas, Networks, and the Intelligentsia: Sources HIH3320 Module
Making History HIH1400 Module
Mapping and the Environmental Imaginary: History HUC2014 Module
Medieval Masterclass HISM045 Module
Medieval Paris HIH2208A Module
Medieval Paris HIH2208B Module
Medieval Paris HIH2176 Module
Mediterranean Maritime Supremacy, 1500-1700 HIH2111 Module
Mediterranean Maritime Supremacy, 1500-1700 HIH2111A Module
Mental Health in Social and Historical Context HASM013 Module
Murder in Early Modern England HIH1042 Module
Myth in the Modern World: From the Classics to Conspiracies HUC3045 Module
Navy and Nation: The Royal Navy in the Long 18th Century 1688–1815 HISM038B Module
Navy and Nation: The Royal Navy in the long eighteenth century, 1688-1815 HISM038 Module
News, Media and Communication HIH3617 Module
Origins of the First World War HIH3148 Module
Past Magic: Histories and Archaeologies of the Supernatural HASM015 Module
Past Magic: Histories and Archaeologies of the Supernatural HASM014 Module
Pasts and Presents: British Historical Culture, 1688-1900 HUC3010 Module
Peoples and Empires in Latin America, 1492-1820s HIH2030A Module
Philip Augustus and the Making of France HIH2591 Module
Politics and the Arts in France in the Age of the Black Death HIH3612 Module
Popular Rebellion in England 1381-1549 HIH3502 Module
Power Elites: Ruling Groups across Space and Time HIH3618 Module
Power Talk: Anglo-American Political Rhetoric since 1940 HIH3506 Module
Producing Poverty: Peasants in a Global Perspective, 700-1300CE HIH1616 Module
Race, Resistance, and Decolonisation HIH3634 Module
Red Sky at Morning: The Origins of Communism in East and Southeast Asia HIH1034 Module
Reforging the Union: The Reconstruction Era in American History, 1865-1877 HIH1547 Module
Reform, Reaction and Revolution: Tsarist Russia 1689-1917 HIH2008 Module
Reform, Resistance and Revolution, 1500-1750: Histories from Below: Context HIH3326 Module
Reform, Resistance and Revolution, 1500-1750: Histories from Below: Sources HIH3327 Module
Religion, Society and Culture in Tudor England HIH2218A Module
Religion, Society and Culture in Tudor England HIH2218B Module
Renaissance Florence 1350-1550 HIH1612 Module
Restoration London: Plague, Fire and History HIH1525 Module
Revolution and Abolition: History and Legacies of the Atlantic Slave Trade HUC2015 Module
Revolutions HIH3633 Module
Riches and Poverty: Capitalism in Britain, 1680-1830: Context HIH3024 Module
Riches and Poverty: Capitalism in Britain, 1680-1830: Sources HIH3023 Module
Rise and Demise of Communism in Global Perspective HIH2241 Module
Sailors, Slavery and Piracy: The Atlantic World, 1600 - 1800 HIH2234 Module
Sex, Marx & Rock n Roll HIH1063 Module
Sexualities HIH3619 Module
Sexuality in C19th and C20th Britain HIH2202A Module
Sexuality in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Britain HIH3595 Module
Slavery, Revolution, Independence: Saint-Domingue and Haiti, 1685-1838 HIH2238 Module
Soldiers in the Twentieth Century: A Global History HISM029 Module
Spain from Absolutism to Democracy HIH2145A Module
Street Protest and Social Movements in the Modern Era HIH3422 Module
Street Protest and Social Movements in the Modern Era: Context HIH3297 Module
Street Protest and Social Movements in the Modern Era: Sources HIH3296 Module
Stuart England HIH2108A Module
Supervised Independent Study in the Humanities HISM185 Module
Supervised Independent Study in the Humanities HISM186 Module
The 'Savage Continent' ? Everyday Violence in 1940s Europe HIH2018A Module
The Age of AEthelred 'the Unready': Context HIH3118 Module
The Age of AEthelred 'the Unready': Sources HIH3117 Module
The Age of Superman: The Masculine Ideal under Fascism and Socialism 1932-45 HIH1601 Module
The Body In Early Modern England: Sources and Context HIH3434 Module
The Body in Eighteenth-Century Britain HIH1014 Module
The British World, c.1860-1975 HIH2233 Module
The Celtic Frontier: Context HIH3111 Module
The Celtic Frontier: Sources HIH3110 Module
The Cold War: A Global History HISM027 Module
The Collapse of Communism in Central-Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union HIH1043 Module
The First Crusade HIH1505 Module
The First Day of the Somme HIH1506 Module
The First Welfare State? England's Poor Law, 1520-1835 HIH2041 Module
The History of Strategic Thinking HIH1532 Module
The History of the British Conservative Party in the 20th Century HIH2183A Module
The Holocaust and Nazi Occupation of Eastern Europe, 1939-1945: Context and Sources HIH3317 Module
The Holocaust and Nazi Occupation of Eastern Europe, 1939-1945: Context and Sources HIH3316 Module
The Invisible Empires: American Society and the Ku Klux Klan since 1866 HIH3039 Module
The Invisible Empires: American Society and the Ku Klux Klan since 1866: Sources HIH3038 Module
The Irish Revolution, 1912–23 HIH3157 Module
The Irish Revolution, 1912–23 HIH3158 Module
The Medieval Reformation: Context HIH3278 Module
The Medieval Reformation: Sources HIH3277 Module
The Opium War: Britain and the Birth of Modern China, 1839-1842 HIH1406 Module
The Opium War: The British Empire Encounters the Middle Kingdom HIH1057 Module
The Other Renaissance: Religion, Knowledge, and Power in the Twelfth Century HIH2587 Module
The Rise and Demise of the Raj: India, 1857-1947 HIH1610 Module
The Rise of Capitalism in Britain 1660-1830: Sources and Context HIH3438 Module
The Russian Revolution: Context HIH3258 Module
The Russian Revolution: Sources HIH3257 Module
The Spanish Civil War: Context HIH3181 Module
The Spanish Civil War: Sources HIH3180 Module
The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Origins, Development and Impact HIH1038 Module
The Two Island Empires: Anglo-Japanese encounters, 1600-2000 HIH1606 Module
The Viking Phenomenon HIH1501 Module
The Witchcraze in Europe and It's Colonies c. 1300-1800 HIH2181A Module
The Yes, Minister Files: Perspectives on British Government since 1914: Sources and Context HIH3417 Module
Them and Us: Imagining the Social Other in Britain since the 1880s: Sources and Context HIH3444 Module
Theory and Practice of History II HISM170 Module
Understanding Medieval and Early Modern History HIH1421 Module
Understanding Modern History HIH1422 Module
Understanding the modern world HIH1420 Module
Uses of the Past HIH2002 Module
Violence HIH3632 Module
Violence or Non-Violence? Gandhi and Popular Movements in India, 1915-1950 HIH3167 Module
Violence or Non-Violence? Gandhi and Popular Movements in India, 1915-1950 HIH3168 Module
Violent Justice, Legal Reform and Revolutionary Terror: Law in Eighteenth-Century France HIH1613 Module
Whiteness: A Global History HIH3452 Module
Women's Experience in Britain: Race, Class and Gender since 1945 (Sources) HIH3061 Module
Women's Experience in Britain: Race, Class and Gender since 1945 (Sources) & Women's Experience in Britain: Race, Class and Gender since 1945 (Context) HIH3439 Module
Women's Experience in Britan: Race, Class and Gender since 1945 (Context) HIH3062 Module
Working with Medieval Manuscripts and Documents HISM042 Module

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