Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
'Dangerous Woman'? The Lives and Afterlives of Emma Goldman |
HIH1136 |
Module |
A Culture of Violence? Violence and Conflict in South African History, 1880-present: Context & Sources |
HIH3031 |
Module |
A History of Children and Childhood in Modern Europe |
HIH1022 |
Module |
A History of Epidemics from the Plague to Zika |
HIH1027 |
Module |
A New Jerusalem? Being Protestant in Post-Reformation England: Sources |
HIH3207 |
Module |
A New Jerusalem? Being Protestant in Post-Reformation England: Sources |
HIH3206 |
Module |
Advanced Historical Research Skills |
HISM016 |
Module |
African American History |
HIH2209A |
Module |
African American History |
HIH2009A |
Module |
Albion’s Fatal Tree: Capital Punishment in England, 1688–1965 |
HIH2036A |
Module |
American Frontiers: The West in U.S. History and Mythology |
HIH2037 |
Module |
An Age of Iron? Europe in the Tenth Century |
HIH2590 |
Module |
An Introduction to Early Modern English Palaeography |
HASM012 |
Module |
Anarchism: Theory, Practice, History |
HIH2034A |
Module |
Approaches to history |
HIH1401 |
Module |
Becoming a Historian: Core |
HIH1137 |
Module |
Beyond Cannibalism: Indigenous Peoples and the European Colonisation of Brazil, 1500-1822: Sources and Context |
HIH3433 |
Module |
Body, Border, Partition: Understanding Violence in South Asia |
HIH1618 |
Module |
Borders and Mobilities in Postcolonial South Asia |
HIH3451 |
Module |
Britain and Slavery: Sources |
HIH3325 |
Module |
Britain and Slavery: Sources |
HIH3324 |
Module |
Britain and the Age of Revolution, 1775-1832: Sources and Context |
HIH3448 |
Module |
Britain, America and the Global Order, 1846 - 1946 |
HIH1402 |
Module |
Britons Abroad: The Experience of Travel, c. 1650-1900 |
HIH3441 |
Module |
Chile Under Allende and Pinochet |
HIH3203 |
Module |
Chile Under Allende and Pinochet |
HIH3202 |
Module |
China in the World, 1500-1840 |
HIH2185A |
Module |
China's Intellectual Elites - Ideas and Networks 1860s-1960s: Context |
HIH3032 |
Module |
China's Intellectual Elites - Ideas and Networks 1860s-1960s: Sources |
HIH3021 |
Module |
Churchill and the Empire, 1874-1965 |
HIH3255 |
Module |
Civil Wars |
HIH3628 |
Module |
Civilization and Disease: Health, Medicine and the Environment, 1750-2000 |
HIH3100 |
Module |
Confinement, Care, Cure: Psychiatric Institutions in the Twentieth Century |
HIH1140 |
Module |
Consumer Revolution? Food, Things and Fashion in England 1500-1800: Sources |
HIH3597 |
Module |
Contested Pasts: History in the Public Sphere |
HISM037 |
Module |
Crime and Society in England, 1500-1800 |
HIH2203A |
Module |
Critical Approaches in Medieval Research |
HISM019 |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Early Modern History |
HISM001 |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Imperial and Global History |
HISM003 |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Maritime and Naval History |
HISM002 |
Module |
Critics of Empire |
HIH3416 |
Module |
Critics of Empire: Context |
HIH3183 |
Module |
Critics of Empire: Sources |
HIH3182 |
Module |
Crusades in Cristendom, 1179-1588: Context |
HIH3323 |
Module |
Crusades in Cristendom, 1179-1588: Sources |
HIH3322 |
Module |
Cultures and Environments of Health |
HUMM018 |
Module |
Death to the Traitors: Rebellion and Resisting Tyranny in the Middle Ages |
HIH3437 |
Module |
Decolonisation and Colonial Conflict |
HIH3450 |
Module |
Decolonisation and the Collapse of the British Empire, 1919-1968 |
HIH2014A |
Module |
Deviants and Dissenters in Early Modern England |
HIH2186A |
Module |
Disease |
HIH3629 |
Module |
Dissertation in History |
HISM400 |
Module |
Dissertation in History |
HISM403 |
Module |
Dissertation in Medieval Studies |
HISM180 |
Module |
Doing History: Perspectives on Sources |
HIH2001 |
Module |
Early Modern Magic and Witchcraft |
HIH1412 |
Module |
Early Modern Venice: Representations and Myths |
HIH1586 |
Module |
Electoral Politics in Britain, c.1900-1964: |
HIH3310 |
Module |
Engendering Empire: Making the British Imperial World (Context) |
HIH3059 |
Module |
Engendering Empire: Making the British Imperial World (Sources) |
HIH3058 |
Module |
Europe in the Era of the Great War, 1908-1923: Crisis, Conflict and Collapse |
HIH2594 |
Module |
Europe in the Tenth Century: Continuity and Change |
HIH2092A |
Module |
Europe, 1650-1800 |
HIH2032A |
Module |
European Empires and Proto-Globalization 1200-1800 |
HISM483 |
Module |
Everyday Stalinism: Life in the Soviet Union, 1928-53 |
HIH3415 |
Module |
Everyday Stalinism: Life in the Soviet Union, 1928-53: Context |
HIH3188 |
Module |
Everyday Stalinism: Life in the Soviet Union, 1928-53: Sources |
HIH3187 |
Module |
Food And Agriculture In Historical Perspective |
HISM041 |
Module |
Forgetting Fascism Remembering Communism: Memory in Modern Europe |
HIH3549 |
Module |
Forgetting Fascism, Remembering Communism: Memory in Modern Europe |
HIH2011A |
Module |
From Conquest to Communism: Central Asia Under the Russian and Soviet Empires, 1730-1945 |
HIH2184A |
Module |
From the Grand Tour to Gladiator: Modern Encounters with the Ancient World |
HIH3430 |
Module |
From Wigan Pier to Piccadilly: Britain between the Wars |
HIH1411 |
Module |
Gender and Citizenship in Britain Since 1866 |
HIH2212A |
Module |
Gender and Sexuality in the Middle Ages |
HIH1053 |
Module |
Gender, Society and Culture in Early Modern Europe |
HISM036 |
Module |
Global Governance for Peace, Security, Cooperation and Development, 1914 to the present |
HISM046 |
Module |
Global Health: Historical Sources and Problems |
HIH1058 |
Module |
Governing the World: A History of Internationalism from WW1 to the Present: Context |
HIH3314 |
Module |
Governing the World: A History of Internationalism from WW1 to the Present: Sources |
HIH3315 |
Module |
he Habsburg Monarchy of Austria-Hungary 1867-1918 |
HIH1609 |
Module |
Health and Its Politics in the 20th Century: Sources and Context |
HIH3426 |
Module |
Heroes: Conceptions, Constructions and Representations |
HIH3626 |
Module |
Historical Masterclass |
HASM011 |
Module |
History Dissertation |
HIH3005 |
Module |
History Foundation Course |
HIH1000 |
Module |
History of Development: Ideologies, Politics and Projects |
HIH2138A |
Module |
History of Science in Society |
HIH2207B |
Module |
Images of Stalinism |
HIH1600 |
Module |
Introduction to Black British Studies |
HUM1006 |
Module |
Introduction to Digital Humanities |
HISM040 |
Module |
Inventing Modern Man: Constructions of Mind, Body, and the Individual, 1400-1800 |
HIH2137A |
Module |
Islam and the Making of Medieval Europe, c.600-1300 |
HIH2200A |
Module |
Ladies of the Night : Prostitution in the Victorian World |
HIH1585 |
Module |
Let's Get Medieval! |
HASM004 |
Module |
Literature, Culture, and Politics in Early Modern England: Context |
HIH3625 |
Module |
Literature, Culture, and Politics in Early Modern England: Sources |
HIH3624 |
Module |
Living Through the Global: Colonial Migrants and the British Empire from the Eighteenth Century to the Present |
HIH2016A |
Module |
Losing an Empire, Finding a Role: Britain Since 1945 |
HIH1002 |
Module |
Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe |
HIH1542 |
Module |
Magic in the Middle Ages |
HIH3266 |
Module |
Magic in the Middle Ages |
HIH3267 |
Module |
Making A New China: Ideas, Networks, and the Intelligentsia: Context |
HIH3321 |
Module |
Making A New China: Ideas, Networks, and the Intelligentsia: Sources |
HIH3320 |
Module |
Making History |
HIH1400 |
Module |
Mapping and the Environmental Imaginary: History |
HUC2014 |
Module |
Medieval Masterclass |
HISM045 |
Module |
Medieval Paris |
HIH2208A |
Module |
Medieval Paris |
HIH2208B |
Module |
Medieval Paris |
HIH2176 |
Module |
Mediterranean Maritime Supremacy, 1500-1700 |
HIH2111 |
Module |
Mediterranean Maritime Supremacy, 1500-1700 |
HIH2111A |
Module |
Mental Health in Social and Historical Context |
HASM013 |
Module |
Murder in Early Modern England |
HIH1042 |
Module |
Myth in the Modern World: From the Classics to Conspiracies |
HUC3045 |
Module |
Navy and Nation: The Royal Navy in the Long 18th Century 1688–1815 |
HISM038B |
Module |
Navy and Nation: The Royal Navy in the long eighteenth century, 1688-1815 |
HISM038 |
Module |
News, Media and Communication |
HIH3617 |
Module |
Origins of the First World War |
HIH3148 |
Module |
Past Magic: Histories and Archaeologies of the Supernatural |
HASM015 |
Module |
Past Magic: Histories and Archaeologies of the Supernatural |
HASM014 |
Module |
Pasts and Presents: British Historical Culture, 1688-1900 |
HUC3010 |
Module |
Peoples and Empires in Latin America, 1492-1820s |
HIH2030A |
Module |
Philip Augustus and the Making of France |
HIH2591 |
Module |
Politics and the Arts in France in the Age of the Black Death |
HIH3612 |
Module |
Popular Rebellion in England 1381-1549 |
HIH3502 |
Module |
Power Elites: Ruling Groups across Space and Time |
HIH3618 |
Module |
Power Talk: Anglo-American Political Rhetoric since 1940 |
HIH3506 |
Module |
Producing Poverty: Peasants in a Global Perspective, 700-1300CE |
HIH1616 |
Module |
Race, Resistance, and Decolonisation |
HIH3634 |
Module |
Red Sky at Morning: The Origins of Communism in East and Southeast Asia |
HIH1034 |
Module |
Reforging the Union: The Reconstruction Era in American History, 1865-1877 |
HIH1547 |
Module |
Reform, Reaction and Revolution: Tsarist Russia 1689-1917 |
HIH2008 |
Module |
Reform, Resistance and Revolution, 1500-1750: Histories from Below: Context |
HIH3326 |
Module |
Reform, Resistance and Revolution, 1500-1750: Histories from Below: Sources |
HIH3327 |
Module |
Religion, Society and Culture in Tudor England |
HIH2218A |
Module |
Religion, Society and Culture in Tudor England |
HIH2218B |
Module |
Renaissance Florence 1350-1550 |
HIH1612 |
Module |
Restoration London: Plague, Fire and History |
HIH1525 |
Module |
Revolution and Abolition: History and Legacies of the Atlantic Slave Trade |
HUC2015 |
Module |
Revolutions |
HIH3633 |
Module |
Riches and Poverty: Capitalism in Britain, 1680-1830: Context |
HIH3024 |
Module |
Riches and Poverty: Capitalism in Britain, 1680-1830: Sources |
HIH3023 |
Module |
Rise and Demise of Communism in Global Perspective |
HIH2241 |
Module |
Sailors, Slavery and Piracy: The Atlantic World, 1600 - 1800 |
HIH2234 |
Module |
Sex, Marx & Rock n Roll |
HIH1063 |
Module |
Sexualities |
HIH3619 |
Module |
Sexuality in C19th and C20th Britain |
HIH2202A |
Module |
Sexuality in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Britain |
HIH3595 |
Module |
Slavery, Revolution, Independence: Saint-Domingue and Haiti, 1685-1838 |
HIH2238 |
Module |
Soldiers in the Twentieth Century: A Global History |
HISM029 |
Module |
Spain from Absolutism to Democracy |
HIH2145A |
Module |
Street Protest and Social Movements in the Modern Era |
HIH3422 |
Module |
Street Protest and Social Movements in the Modern Era: Context |
HIH3297 |
Module |
Street Protest and Social Movements in the Modern Era: Sources |
HIH3296 |
Module |
Stuart England |
HIH2108A |
Module |
Supervised Independent Study in the Humanities |
HISM185 |
Module |
Supervised Independent Study in the Humanities |
HISM186 |
Module |
The 'Savage Continent' ? Everyday Violence in 1940s Europe |
HIH2018A |
Module |
The Age of AEthelred 'the Unready': Context |
HIH3118 |
Module |
The Age of AEthelred 'the Unready': Sources |
HIH3117 |
Module |
The Age of Superman: The Masculine Ideal under Fascism and Socialism 1932-45 |
HIH1601 |
Module |
The Body In Early Modern England: Sources and Context |
HIH3434 |
Module |
The Body in Eighteenth-Century Britain |
HIH1014 |
Module |
The British World, c.1860-1975 |
HIH2233 |
Module |
The Celtic Frontier: Context |
HIH3111 |
Module |
The Celtic Frontier: Sources |
HIH3110 |
Module |
The Cold War: A Global History |
HISM027 |
Module |
The Collapse of Communism in Central-Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union |
HIH1043 |
Module |
The First Crusade |
HIH1505 |
Module |
The First Day of the Somme |
HIH1506 |
Module |
The First Welfare State? England's Poor Law, 1520-1835 |
HIH2041 |
Module |
The History of Strategic Thinking |
HIH1532 |
Module |
The History of the British Conservative Party in the 20th Century |
HIH2183A |
Module |
The Holocaust and Nazi Occupation of Eastern Europe, 1939-1945: Context and Sources |
HIH3317 |
Module |
The Holocaust and Nazi Occupation of Eastern Europe, 1939-1945: Context and Sources |
HIH3316 |
Module |
The Invisible Empires: American Society and the Ku Klux Klan since 1866 |
HIH3039 |
Module |
The Invisible Empires: American Society and the Ku Klux Klan since 1866: Sources |
HIH3038 |
Module |
The Irish Revolution, 1912–23 |
HIH3157 |
Module |
The Irish Revolution, 1912–23 |
HIH3158 |
Module |
The Medieval Reformation: Context |
HIH3278 |
Module |
The Medieval Reformation: Sources |
HIH3277 |
Module |
The Opium War: Britain and the Birth of Modern China, 1839-1842 |
HIH1406 |
Module |
The Opium War: The British Empire Encounters the Middle Kingdom |
HIH1057 |
Module |
The Other Renaissance: Religion, Knowledge, and Power in the Twelfth Century |
HIH2587 |
Module |
The Rise and Demise of the Raj: India, 1857-1947 |
HIH1610 |
Module |
The Rise of Capitalism in Britain 1660-1830: Sources and Context |
HIH3438 |
Module |
The Russian Revolution: Context |
HIH3258 |
Module |
The Russian Revolution: Sources |
HIH3257 |
Module |
The Spanish Civil War: Context |
HIH3181 |
Module |
The Spanish Civil War: Sources |
HIH3180 |
Module |
The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Origins, Development and Impact |
HIH1038 |
Module |
The Two Island Empires: Anglo-Japanese encounters, 1600-2000 |
HIH1606 |
Module |
The Viking Phenomenon |
HIH1501 |
Module |
The Witchcraze in Europe and It's Colonies c. 1300-1800 |
HIH2181A |
Module |
The Yes, Minister Files: Perspectives on British Government since 1914: Sources and Context |
HIH3417 |
Module |
Them and Us: Imagining the Social Other in Britain since the 1880s: Sources and Context |
HIH3444 |
Module |
Theory and Practice of History II |
HISM170 |
Module |
Understanding Medieval and Early Modern History |
HIH1421 |
Module |
Understanding Modern History |
HIH1422 |
Module |
Understanding the modern world |
HIH1420 |
Module |
Uses of the Past |
HIH2002 |
Module |
Violence |
HIH3632 |
Module |
Violence or Non-Violence? Gandhi and Popular Movements in India, 1915-1950 |
HIH3167 |
Module |
Violence or Non-Violence? Gandhi and Popular Movements in India, 1915-1950 |
HIH3168 |
Module |
Violent Justice, Legal Reform and Revolutionary Terror: Law in Eighteenth-Century France |
HIH1613 |
Module |
Whiteness: A Global History |
HIH3452 |
Module |
Women's Experience in Britain: Race, Class and Gender since 1945 (Sources) |
HIH3061 |
Module |
Women's Experience in Britain: Race, Class and Gender since 1945 (Sources) & Women's Experience in Britain: Race, Class and Gender since 1945 (Context) |
HIH3439 |
Module |
Women's Experience in Britan: Race, Class and Gender since 1945 (Context) |
HIH3062 |
Module |
Working with Medieval Manuscripts and Documents |
HISM042 |
Module |