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20th Century Britain DLH16A Module
20th Century Britain DLH16 Module
Academic Professional Programme PCT2EDUEDU05 Module
Action Research Module EFPM312 Module
Analysing and Teaching Language Systems and Skills EFPM333 Module
Ancient Egypt: Middle Kingdom DLE06 Module
Ancient Egypt: Old Kingdom DLE02 Module
Ancient Egypt: State Formation and the Old Kingdom, 5000 - 2000 BC DLE10 Module
Ancient Egypt: the New Kingdom Dynasties 19 and 20 (c1295-1069 B.C.) DLE08 Module
Ancient Egypt: The New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 – c1550 – 1295 BC DLE07 Module
Ancient Nubia DLE05 Module
APP End-Point Assessment EFPM917 Module
Arts Education Theory, Practice and Potential EFPM906 Module
Arts in the Curriculum EFPM228 Module
Basic Practical Skills (Practical Strand) EDPS004 Module
Becoming Autonomous in Practical Skills (Practical Strand) EDPS006 Module
Bilingual and multilingual perspectives on language learning and teaching EFPM292 Module
Bird Life DLN06B Module
Britannia: The Archaeology and History of a Roman Province DLA10A Module
Business and Sustainability DLN14 Module
Children and Young People's Mental Health ERPM008Z Module
Children and Young People's Mental Health ERPM008 Module
Cognitive and Developmental Psychology ERPM006 Module
Cognitive and Developmental Psychology ERPM006Z Module
Corpus Linguistics for TESOL EFPM293 Module
Creating Effective Learning in Higher Education EFPM902 Module
Creativity In Education: Valuing, Facilitating And Assessing It EFPM907 Module
Critical International Perspectives on Special and Inclusive Education EFPM010Z1 Module
Critical International Perspectives on Special and Inclusive Education EFPM010Z3 Module
Critical International Perspectives on Special and Inclusive Education EFPM010Z5 Module
Critical International Perspectives on Special and Inclusive Education EFPM010Z Module
Critical Perspectives on Inclusive Education EFPM919 Module
Culture and Society in Ancient Egypt DLE03 Module
Debating the Big Questions in Education EFPM913 Module
Design and Technology (Secondary) EDTM001 Module
Designing and Communication Research ERPM005 Module
Developing an Appropriate Language Teaching Methodology EFPM268 Module
Developing Language Teachers EFPM269 Module
Developing Practical Knowledge for TESOL Teaching EFPM280 Module
Digital Education Futures EFPM920 Module
Dorothy L Sayers; Her Life and Crimes in a Historical Context DLH17 Module
Education and Professional Studies (School Direct) EDUM032 Module
Education for Diversity EFPM375 Module
Education Leadership EFPM007Z Module
Education Leadership MAED-EFPM007 Module
Education Leadership EFPM007Z1 Module
Education Leadership EFPM007Z5 Module
Education Leadership EFPM007Z3 Module
Education Leadership and Management EFPM911 Module
Education Policy EFPM910 Module
Education Psychology ERPM010Z Module
Education Psychology ERPM010 Module
Education Studies EFPM914 Module
Environmental Politics and Philosophy DLN07 Module
Foreign Language Testing and Assessment EFPM835 Module
Foundations of English Literature: Warriors, Lovers, and Wicked Women DLL02 Module
Gaining Competence in Practical Skills (Practical Strand) EDPS010 Module
Geography EHUM002 Module
Group Research and Planning for Thesis EDPS008 Module
Independent Study EFPM327 Module
Independent Study 2 EFPM129 Module
International Perspectives: Inclusion, Disability and Diversity EFPM272 Module
Interpretive Methodologies ERPM001 Module
Introduction to Digital Photography DLD01A Module
Introduction to Educational Enquiry EFPM013Z1 Module
Introduction to Educational Enquiry EFPM013Z Module
Introduction to Educational Enquiry EFPM013Z5 Module
Introduction to Educational Enquiry EFPM013Z3 Module
Introduction to the Blues DLM03 Module
Introduction to the Blues DLM01 Module
Introduction to the World of Ancient Egypt DLE01 Module
Introduction to the World of Ancient Egypt DLE01B Module
Introduction, Delivery and Diversity in Applied Educational Psychology (Academic Strand) EDPS001 Module
Issues in Special and Inclusive Education EEDD020 Module
Issues in Special and Inclusive Education EEDD047 Module
Jane Austen II: Life, Letters, and Later Novels DLL16A Module
Leading and Managing Education Change MAED-EFPM008 Module
Leading and Managing Education Change EFPM008Z5 Module
Leading and Managing Education Change EFPM008Z3 Module
Leading and Managing Education Change EFPM008Z1 Module
Leading and Managing Education Change EFPM008Z Module
Learner Centred Education EFPM334 Module
Learning and Teaching in Higher Education EFPM288 Module
Learning for Teaching: School Experience EDU2016 Module
Learning for Teaching: School Experience EDU2017 Module
Learning for Teaching: School Experience EDU3013 Module
Learning for Teaching: School Experience EDU3014 Module
Looking at 20th Century Art: 1900-1945 DLV04B Module
LTHE Autumn 2019 (Learning and Teaching in Higher Education) P1S0EDUEDU01 Module
LTHE Spring 2017 (Learning and Teaching in Higher Education) UNLLTHESPRING2017 Module
Mammal Ecology and Conservation DLN18 Module
Mammal Ecology and Conservation DLN04 Module
Mammal Studies in Biology and Adaptation DLN08 Module
MSc Dissertation ERPM004 Module
National Award for SEN Coordination PCT2EDUEDU04 Module
Nature of Educational Enquiry ERPM000 Module
NCB ARCHAEOLOGY: Ancient Britain in the Bronze Age DLA05 Module
NCB ARCHAEOLOGY: Archaeological Techniques: An Introduction DLA07 Module
NCB ARCHAEOLOGY: Archaeological Techniques: An Introduction DLA07B Module
NCB ARCHAEOLOGY: Intro to Prehistory in Britain DLA03 Module
NCB ARCHAEOLOGY: Iron Age in Britain DLA06 Module
NCB ARCHAEOLOGY: The Viking Age in England and Francia DLA08 Module
NCB ARCHAEOLOGY: Understanding Human Environments in British Prehistory DLA09 Module
NCB ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: Environmental Geology DLN01 Module
NCB ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: Environmental Management DLN03 Module
NCB ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES: Introduction to Sustainability DLN02 Module
NCB FILM STUDIES: Understanding Film DLF01 Module
New technologies in language learning EFPM309 Module
Personality and Individual Differences ERPM007Z Module
Personality and Individual Differences ERPM007 Module
Perspectives on educational policy for disability EEDD019 Module
Perspectives on International Education EFPM912J Module
Perspectives on International Education EFPM912 Module
PGCE Primary Music Specialism EMUM003 Module
PGCE Secondary History EHUM003 Module
PGCE Specialist English (Primary) EEDM009 Module
Preparing for Education Inquiry Portfolio EFPM331 Module
Preparing for Educational Enquiry EFPM005Z1 Module
Preparing for Educational Enquiry MAED-EFPM005 Module
Preparing for Educational Enquiry EFPM005Z5 Module
Preparing for Educational Enquiry EFPM005Z3 Module
Preparing for Educational Research and Dissertation EFPM308J Module
Preparing for Educational Research and Dissertation EFPM308 Module
Preparing for TESOL Inquiry and Dissertation EFPM329 Module
Primary (3-7) Curriculum Theory, Research and Practice EDUM083 Module
Primary (3-7) Leadership Development EDUM085 Module
Primary Curriculum Studies EDUM033 Module
Primary Curriculum Theory, Research and Practice EDUM071 Module
Primary Education and Professional Studies (School Direct) EDUM065 Module
Primary Education Theory, Research and Practice EDUM070 Module
Primary Educational and Professional Studies EPSM000 Module
Primary Leadership Development (Art) EDUM073 Module
Primary Leadership Development (English) EDUM074 Module
Primary Leadership Development (Humanities) EDUM075 Module
Primary Leadership Development (Inclusion - SEND) EDUM080 Module
Primary Leadership Development (Maths) EDUM076 Module
Primary Leadership Development (Modern Languages) EDUM077 Module
Primary Leadership Development (Science) EDUM078 Module
Primary Subject and Curriculum Studies (School Direct) EDUM063 Module
Primary Teaching and Learning EDUM061 Module
Principles & Practices of Curriculum Development & Syllabus EFPM311 Module
Principles of Language Learning for TESOL EFPM266 Module
Professionalism, Services and Communities (Academic Strand) EDPS003 Module
Reading Rights EFPM009 Module
Reading Rights EFPM009Z Module
Reading Rights EFPM009Z3 Module
Reading Rights EFPM009Z1 Module
Reading Rights EFPM009Z5 Module
Reading the World EFPM321 Module
Reflecting on Educational Practices EFPM918 Module
Religion and Art of Ancient Egypt DLE04 Module
Research Methods and Testing (Research Strands) EDPS007 Module
Scientific Methodologies ERPM002 Module
Secondary Biology Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy EDUM037 Module
Secondary Biology Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM092 Module
Secondary Biology with Physical Education Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM093 Module
Secondary Biology with Psychology Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy EDUM038 Module
Secondary Chemistry Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy EDUM039 Module
Secondary Chemistry Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM094 Module
Secondary Dance Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy EDUM040 Module
Secondary Design and Technology Subject Knowledge And Pedagogy EDUM041 Module
Secondary Education and Professional Studies EES3000 Module
Secondary Education and Professional Studies EDUM036 Module
Secondary English Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM095 Module
Secondary French Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM099 Module
Secondary Geography Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM096 Module
Secondary German Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM100 Module
Secondary History Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM097 Module
Secondary Mathematics Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM098 Module
Secondary PGCE Religious Education RSL251440 Module
Secondary PGCE Religious Education EHUM005 Module
Secondary Physical Education Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy EDUM049 Module
Secondary Physics Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy EDUM048 Module
Secondary Physics Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy and Practice EDUM103 Module
Secondary Religious Education Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy EDUM050 Module
Secondary Spanish Subject Knowledge, Pedagogy, Research and Practice EDUM101 Module
Secondary Subject and Curriculum Studies (School Direct) EDUM064 Module
Semi Specialist Early Years (Primary) ESYM001 Module
SEN Organisational Contexts EFPM279 Module
SEN Organisational Contexts EFPM278 Module
SEN: Learning, Teaching and Assessment EFPM011Z Module
Shakespeare: Contemporaries, Collaborators, Adapters DLL14 Module
Special Education Needs PTD1EDUEDU08 Module
Special Educational Needs, Inclusion, Disability: Critical Perspectives EFPM915 Module
Special Educational Needs: Learning, Teaching and Assessment EFPM011Z3 Module
Special Educational Needs: Learning, Teaching and Assessment EFPM011Z5 Module
Special Educational Needs: Learning, Teaching and Assessment EFPM011Z1 Module
Special Educational Needs: Teaching and Learning ERPM009 Module
Special Educational Needs: Teaching and Learning EFPM270 Module
Specialist Science (Primary) ESCM004 Module
Teaching and Learning Vocabulary EFPM335 Module
Teaching and Researching English for Academic Purposes EFPM837 Module
Teaching English to Young Learners EFPM787 Module
Technology and Education Futures EFPM294 Module
Technology, Learning and Pedagogy EFPM332 Module
TESOL Classrooms and Pedagogy: Theory and Practice EEDD045 Module
The Archaeology of Landscape DLA14 Module
The Arts and Educational Futures EFPM265 Module
The Changing English Countryside DLH18 Module
The Child in Context and Groups (Academic Strand) EDPS002 Module
The Contemporary Academic in Context (PCAP) EFPM900 Module
The Foundations of English Literature DLL19 Module
The Golden Ages of Agatha Christie DLL32A Module
The Life and the Work: Graham Greene, Iris Murdoch and Sylvia Plath DLL01B Module
The Lives of Others: Culture and Environment in Non-English Language Cinema DLF04 Module
The Lost World of the Sailing Ships 1780-1880: Introduction to Maritime Studies DLH05 Module
The Marriage and the Work: Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes DLL28A Module
The Real and Imagined World of Pirates DLH20 Module
The Stuart Court: History, politics and culture DLH06B Module
The Stuart Court: History, Politics and Culture DLH06 Module
The Tudors: History, culture and religion DLH10B Module
The Tudors: History, culture and religion DLH10 Module
The Tudors: History, Culture and Religion DLH10A Module
The Victorian Countryside DLH14 Module
The Vikings in Scotland and the Irish Sea Provinces DLA02 Module
Thinking Skills And Creativity In The Internet Age EFPM916 Module
Town and Country in Roman Britain DLA01 Module
Transdisciplinary Collaborations for Creative Futures EFPM839 Module
Transdisciplinary Collaborations for Creative Futures EFPM838 Module
Understanding Education : Global Perspectives EFPM003Z Module
Understanding Education: Global Perspectives EFPM003Z3 Module
Understanding Education: Global Perspectives EFPM003Z1 Module
Understanding Education: Global Perspectives EFPM003Z5 Module
Understanding Learning Global Perspectives EFPM004Z1 Module
Understanding Learning Global Perspectives EFPM004Z Module
Understanding Learning: Global Perspectives EFPM004Z5 Module
Understanding Learning: Global Perspectives EFPM004Z3 Module
Undertaking Educational Enquiry EFPM006Z3 Module
Undertaking Educational Enquiry EFPM006Z1 Module
Undertaking Educational Enquiry: Classroom Interaction EFPM006 Module
Voices of Empire: Representations of History and Heritage DLH19 Module
Writing Matters EFPM012Z Module
Writing Matters EFPM012Z5 Module
Writing Matters EFPM012Z1 Module
Writing Matters EFPM012Z3 Module
Writing Matters (Keypath) MAED-EFPM012 Module
Writing Memoir and Family History DLC14A Module
Writing Memoirs and Family History DLC14B Module
Writing the Future EFPM318 Module

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