Browse Subject

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Accounting and Management CSM3303 Module
Advanced Geoscientific Software and Data Management CSMM192 Module
Advanced Mine Design CSMM419 Module
Advanced Mine Ventilation & Modelling CSMM417 Module
Advanced Surveying CSMM139 Module
Applied Computing for Energy Studies CSM1038 Module
Applied Field Geology CSM3048 Module
Climate change: Past and Future CSM3072 Module
Comminution, Flotation and Physical Separation CSMM430 Module
Contaminated Land Management and Remediation CSM3049 Module
Contaminated Land Management and Remediation CSM3346 Module
Crystallography, Mineralogy and Gemstones CSM1043 Module
Decision-making for Engineers and Scientists CSMM222 Module
Design CSMM178 Module
Discovery CSMM177 Module
Dynamic Planet CSM1042 Module
Earth and Environmental Chemistry CSM1031 Module
Earth History and Palaeontology CSM1044 Module
Economic Resource Assessment and Appraisal CSM3369 Module
Economics, energy and the environment CSMM432 Module
Economics, Processing and Environment CSMM135 Module
Electrical Energy Conversion and Transport CSM2044 Module
Energy and Sustainability CSM2323DA Module
Energy Generation from Biomass CSM3372 Module
Energy Management CSM2045 Module
Energy Options and Sustainability CSMM407 Module
Energy Resource Geology CSM3061 Module
Engineering Fundamentals CSM1289DA Module
Environmental Management CSM2274 Module
Evolution of Earth and Planetary Systems CSM3059 Module
Excavation and Geomechanics CSMM130 Module
Exploration & Mining Geology CSMM194 Module
Exploration Targeting CSMM193 Module
Exploration Techniques CSM3151 Module
Extractive Metallurgy CSMM431 Module
Field Geology and Geological Maps CSM1036 Module
Fluid Mechanics CSM2251 Module
Further Electrical and Electronics Engineering CSMM403 Module
Geological Field Techniques 2 CSM2298 Module
Geological History of Life on Earth CSM3071 Module
Geological Mapping Techniques CSM2184 Module
Geology CSM1030 Module
Geology Overseas Field Class CSM3068 Module
Geometallurgy And Resource Modelling CSMM445 Module
Geophysics CSM2190 Module
Geotechnics CSM2185 Module
GIS for Geologists CSM3047 Module
GIS for Geologists CSM3319 Module
GIS for Mineral Explorationists and Geoenvironmental Engineers CSMM219 Module
GIS For Surveyors CSMM143 Module
Grand Geoenvironmental Challenges CSM2052 Module
Group Design Project CSMM409 Module
Group Design Project CSMM421 Module
Health and Safety in the Extractive Industry CSMM131 Module
Health and Safety Risk Management CSM3305 Module
Hydrogeology CSMM137 Module
Hydrogeology CSM3152 Module
Hydropower CSM3361 Module
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology CSM2312 Module
Impact CSMM180 Module
Individual Research Project CSMM420 Module
Industrial Rocks and Minerals CSMM429 Module
Land Surveying CSMM134 Module
Magmatic and Metamorphic Rocks CSM2051 Module
Magmatism and Metamorphism CSM2910 Module
Material Handling, Dewatering and Waste Management CSMM436 Module
Mathematics 1B CSM1033 Module
Mathematics 2B CSM2276 Module
Mechanics of Materials CSM2277 Module
Mine Automation CSMM418 Module
Mine Challenge Project CSM1290DA Module
Mine Planning and Design CSMM153 Module
Mine Waste Characterisation CSMM441 Module
Mineral Deposit Geology CSM3046 Module
Mineral Exploration Geophysics CSMM218 Module
Mineral Process Design CSMM416 Module
Mineral Property Management and Law CSMM191 Module
Minerals Engineering CSM3300 Module
Minerals Engineering CSM3040 Module
Mining and Minerals Engineering CSM1029 Module
Mining Economics and Design CSM3044 Module
Mining Life Cycle and Professional Practice CSM1288DA Module
Mining the Future CSMM220 Module
Ore Deposit Geology CSMM195 Module
Ore Genesis CSMM425 Module
Parallel Energy Technologies CSM3056 Module
Politics, Mining and Sustainable Development CSM3409 Module
Politics, Mining And Sustainable Development CSMM442 Module
Process Mineralogy and Geometallurgy CSMM434 Module
Process Modelling, Design and Optimisation CSMM435 Module
Production and Cost Estimation CSMM145 Module
Professional Development CSMM128 Module
Project Management CSM2275 Module
Project Management CSMM136 Module
Project Management and Accounting CSM2187 Module
Quantitative Methods for Geoscientists CSM1041 Module
Research Project and Dissertation CSMM422 Module
Resource Characterisation CSM1291DA Module
Resource Development CSM2322DA Module
Resource Estimation CSMM083 Module
Safety and Sustainable Development CSM2050 Module
Safety and Sustainable Development CSM3039 Module
Sampling Theory and Data Analysis CSMM433 Module
Sedimentology CSM2294 Module
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy CSM2183 Module
Site Investigation Including Near Surface Geophysics CSMM190 Module
Soil And Water Contamination CSMM185 Module
Soil Mechanics with Mine Tailings Engineering CSMM444 Module
Soil Mechanics with Mine Tailings Engineering CSM3444 Module
Stratigraphy CSM2047 Module
Structural Geology CSM2293 Module
Structural Geology and Tectonics CSM2182 Module
Summer Vacation Project CSM3379 Module
Surface Excavation Design CSM3302 Module
Surface Excavation Design CSMM140 Module
Surface Excavation Design CSM3038 Module
Surface Mining CSMM181 Module
Surface Mining CSM2042 Module
Surveying and Digital Mapping CSM1045 Module
Techniques in Mining Geology CSMM110 Module
Tunnel and Underground Excavation Design CSM3306 Module
Tunnelling and Excavation Design CSM3041 Module
Underground Construction CSMM186 Module
Underground Excavation Design CSMM187 Module
Volcanology CSM3070 Module
Working Environment and Ventilation CSM3043 Module
Working Environment and Ventilation CSM3331 Module
​Working Environment and Ventilation CSMM188 Module

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