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Actor-Network Theory ANT2040 Module
Addiction ANT3086 Module
Addiction ANT2086 Module
Animal Criminology ANTM109 Module
Animal Ethics ANTM111 Module
Animals and Religion ANTM112 Module
Animals and Society ANT2116 Module
Animals and Society ANT3099 Module
Animals, Culture and Society: Classic Themes ANT3043 Module
Animals, Culture and Society: Classic Themes ANT2045 Module
Animals, Health and Healing ANTM101 Module
Anthropology of Africa ANT3006 Module
Anthropology of Africa: Histories, Politics and Perspectives ANT2011 Module
Anthropology of Contemporary Britain ANT2118 Module
Anthropology of Forced Migration ANT2109 Module
Anthropology of Forced Migration ANT3024 Module
Anthropology of Islam ANT2017 Module
Anthropology of Islam ANT3017 Module
Anthropology of The Middle East ANT3021 Module
Anthropology of The Middle East ANT2021 Module
Anthropology of the State ANT3016 Module
Anthropology of the State ANT2016 Module
Anthrozoology Residential ANTM107 Module
Anthrozoology: Theory and Method ANTM102 Module
Applied Anthrozoology ANTM103 Module
Bioacoustics ANTM108 Module
Childhood ANT3002 Module
Climate Change in Global and Local Perspectives ANT3093 Module
Climate Change in Global and Local Perspectives ANT2111 Module
Contemporary Capitalism, Critique and Resistance ANT3109 Module
Contemporary Capitalism, Critique and Resistance ANT2105 Module
Culture And Wellbeing ANT2107 Module
Culture And Wellbeing ANT3107 Module
Cultures of Race, Ethnicity and Racism ANT2089 Module
Cultures of Race, Ethnicity and Racism ANT3089 Module
Cultures: Food ANT3014 Module
Cultures: Food ANT2014 Module
Cultures: Food ANT1006 Module
Current Debates in Anthropology ANT2000 Module
Current Debates in Anthropology ANT2003 Module
Current Debates in Anthropology: Practice ANT2005 Module
Disability and Society ANT3087 Module
Disability and Society ANT2087 Module
Dissertation ANT3040 Module
Dissertation ANTM904 Module
Dogs and Cats: Anthropological Subjects ANT3100 Module
Dogs and Cats: Anthropological Subjects ANT2117 Module
Emotions, the Body, and the Social ANT2115 Module
Emotions, the Body, and the Social ANT3098 Module
Ethnography Now ANT2002 Module
Ethnomusicology ANT3084 Module
Ethnomusicology ANT2084 Module
Family Hominidae and Other Primates ANTM104 Module
Food and Agriculture in Historical Perspective ANTM004 Module
Food, Body and Society ANTM021 Module
Gardening, Community and Wellbeing ANT2042 Module
Gardening, Community and Wellbeing ANTM006 Module
Gardening, Community and Wellbeing ANT3054 Module
Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society Part 1: Medicine and Social Control ANT3085 Module
Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society Part 1: Medicine and Social Control ANT2085 Module
Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society: Part 2: Bodies in Society ANT2088 Module
Health, Illness and Bodies in Contemporary Society: Part 2: Bodies in Society ANT3088 Module
How Organisations Work: Ethnography in Institutions ANT3053 Module
How Organisations Work: Ethnography in Institutions ANT2041 Module
Human-Animal Interactions ANT3005 Module
Human-Animal Interactions ANT2010 Module
Humans and Wildlife: Conflict and Conservation ANTM105 Module
Imaging Social Worlds: Qualitative Research ANT1022 Module
Imaging Social Worlds: Qualitative Research ANT1011 Module
Into the field ANT2004 Module
Introduction to Social Anthropology ANT1000 Module
Introduction to Social Anthropology - Theorising the Everyday World ANT1004 Module
Introduction to Social Anthropology: Exploring Cultural Diversity ANT1005 Module
Living Cities: Migration, Place and the Politics of Identities ANT2009 Module
Living Cities: Migration, Place and the Politics of Identities ANT3004 Module
Media and Society ANT1007 Module
Philosophical Anthropology ANT3035 Module
Philosophical Anthropology ANT2035 Module
Politics of Food and Farming ANT2043 Module
Politics of Food and Farming ANT3055 Module
Social Media, Disinformation, and Authoritarianism ANT2113 Module
Social Media, Disinformation, and Authoritarianism ANT3095 Module
Social Movements and Collective Action ANT2119 Module
Social Movements and Collective Action ANT3025 Module
Sound and Society ANT2090 Module
Sound and Society ANT3090 Module
The Animal Mirror: Representations of Animality ANTM100 Module
The Anthropology of Prisons ANT3096 Module
The Anthropology of Prisons ANT2114 Module
The Human Condition: Classic Readings in Anthropology ANT3012 Module
The Human Condition: Classic Readings in Anthropology ANT2012 Module
The Representation of Animals Through Religion ANTM106 Module
Theories and Approaches in Anthropology ANT1009 Module
Theory and Methods of Food Preservation ANT2023 Module
Theory and Methods of Food Preservation ANTM003 Module
Theory and Methods of Food Preservation ANT3023 Module
Traditions of Anthropological Inquiry ANT1013 Module
When Things Fall Apart: Social Infrastructures ANT2112 Module
When Things Fall Apart: Social Infrastructures ANT3094 Module

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